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2022 Spring Newsletter

2022 Spring Newsletter
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In this issue

- Great Canadian Giving Challenge 2022
- Changes to the Board of Directors
- U of O Tele-Rehab Project Update
- Jacqueline's Trip to Kasese (Dec 2021)
- Holiday Giving Campaign 2021 Recap

- 2021 Summary of Assistive Devices
- Recipient Profile

The Great Canadian Giving Challenge 2022

Every June, CanUgan participates in the Great Canadian Giving Challenge (#GivingChallegeCA), which provides Canadians with an opportunity to donate to many worthy charitable causes.

Every dollar donated to CanUgan, in June, automatically gives us a chance to win $20,000, an amount which would allow us to provide an increased number of assistive devices to persons with disabilities in Kasese Uganda.

Last year, CanUgan had its most successful online campaign to date, raising $10,243.
 Our goal again this year is to raise over $10,000.

Watch our TwitterInstagram, and Facebook accounts for regular updates and stories throughout the month of June. Please share with your friends and family!

To donate, please visit:

Changes to the Board of Directors   
At our Annual General Meeting in February 2022, Moses Yorke resigned from the Board of Directors of CanUgan.

Moses was a very active board member. He compiled data on the number of assistive devices given out on a quarterly basis, drafted articles for our newsletters, and assisted with our fundraising campaigns.

We thank Moses for everything he has done for CanUgan in the past five years. We wish Moses every success in his future endeavours and we hope to get the opportunity to work with Moses again. 

Please join us in welcoming our two new board members: Erina Buliibwa and Tim McCarthy!!

Erina was born and raised in Uganda and has lived in Canada since 2009. A strong advocate for people living with disabilities, she has over 5 years of experience working with people with developmental disabilities and has worked with organizations in the Ottawa region that provide support for people with disabilities.

Tim has been actively volunteering for the past decade with North American organizations. In 2019, he travelled to Kasese Uganda, met with the local KADUPEDI team, and was inspired by the creativity, determination and entrepreneurism demonstrated by program participants. He looks forward to helping CanUgan advance its mission.

University of Ottawa Tele-Rehabilitation Project  
CanUgan Disability Support is partnering with the Physiotherapy Program in the School of Rehabilitation Services at the University of Ottawa. The main goal of this partnership is to provide physiotherapy students with the opportunity to challenge their assumptions around inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility, by engaging persons with disabilities in Kasese Uganda.  
Current efforts are underway to establish a videoconferencing platform that will enable effective communication between physiotherapy students in Ottawa and persons with disabilities in Kasese.
The Board of CanUgan looks forward to collaborating with Part-time Professor Jennifer O'Neil and Physiotherapy students in this exciting new initiative.
Jacqueline Tumusiime's Trip to Kasese, December 2021
In December 2021, CanUgan Board of Director's Vice President, Jacqueline Tumusiime visited Kasese and met with our partners at The Kasese District Association of Persons With Disabilities (KADUPEDI). Maintaining a strong relationship with our colleagues in Kasese, is one of the most important aspects of the work we do with KADUPEDI, and we are so grateful that Jacqueline was able to support the relationship between CanUgan and KADUPEDI.

Jacqueline was able to visit the new KADUPEDI location and meet with Bwambale Robert and Baluku Peter. Robert and Peter reported that the new location provides better access for PWDs as there is now a ramp at the entrance of the building and they are outside of the busy city centre.

Jacqueline met some of the recipients of assistive devices provided by CanUgan, was shown some of the assistive devices which were donated to KADUPEDI and had the opportunity to discuss the challenges faced by persons with disabilities (PWDs). 

The KADUPEDI staff noticed an increase in PWDs resorting to begging on the streets due to hardships.
Staff are providing support as well as developing programs to train and provide PWDs with ways to find or create jobs. 

KADUPEDI staff are very grateful for the continued support from our CanUgan team.

Please see below for some photos from Jacqueline's visit. 
Holiday Season Giving Campaign 2021 Recap
On November 30, 2021, CanUgan launched it's second annual Holiday Giving Campaign! Thanks to 40 generous donors, we were able to surpass our campaign goal of $5,000 and raised $7,734. 

In 2021, we raised $17,977 thanks to 103 donations through our two online campaigns. 

In 2021, CanUgan provided a total of 78 Assistive Devices
Recipient Profile
Assistive devices have empowered PWDs to access health facilities, education, and areas of gainful employment. Pelucy (pictured above) received a white cane in 2021 and has been able to work in poultry keeping as a means of employment.

As noted by our partners at KADUPEDI in their year-end report, PWDs are willing and able to productively engage themselves in income generating activities when they have the support of assistive devices.
To support CanUgan throughout the month of June in the Great Canadian Giving Challenge, please visit:
Copyright © 2020 CanUgan Disability Support, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
CanUgan Disability Support
61 Smirle Ave
Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2
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CanUgan Disability Support · 61 Smirle Ave · Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2 · Canada

Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp
]]> 2022 Spring Newsletter
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In this issue

- Great Canadian Giving Challenge 2022
- Changes to the Board of Directors
- U of O Tele-Rehab Project Update
- Jacqueline's Trip to Kasese (Dec 2021)
- Holiday Giving Campaign 2021 Recap

- 2021 Summary of Assistive Devices
- Recipient Profile

The Great Canadian Giving Challenge 2022

Every June, CanUgan participates in the Great Canadian Giving Challenge (#GivingChallegeCA), which provides Canadians with an opportunity to donate to many worthy charitable causes.

Every dollar donated to CanUgan, in June, automatically gives us a chance to win $20,000, an amount which would allow us to provide an increased number of assistive devices to persons with disabilities in Kasese Uganda.

Last year, CanUgan had its most successful online campaign to date, raising $10,243.
 Our goal again this year is to raise over $10,000.

Watch our TwitterInstagram, and Facebook accounts for regular updates and stories throughout the month of June. Please share with your friends and family!

To donate, please visit:

Changes to the Board of Directors   
At our Annual General Meeting in February 2022, Moses Yorke resigned from the Board of Directors of CanUgan.

Moses was a very active board member. He compiled data on the number of assistive devices given out on a quarterly basis, drafted articles for our newsletters, and assisted with our fundraising campaigns.

We thank Moses for everything he has done for CanUgan in the past five years. We wish Moses every success in his future endeavours and we hope to get the opportunity to work with Moses again. 

Please join us in welcoming our two new board members: Erina Buliibwa and Tim McCarthy!!

Erina was born and raised in Uganda and has lived in Canada since 2009. A strong advocate for people living with disabilities, she has over 5 years of experience working with people with developmental disabilities and has worked with organizations in the Ottawa region that provide support for people with disabilities.

Tim has been actively volunteering for the past decade with North American organizations. In 2019, he travelled to Kasese Uganda, met with the local KADUPEDI team, and was inspired by the creativity, determination and entrepreneurism demonstrated by program participants. He looks forward to helping CanUgan advance its mission.

University of Ottawa Tele-Rehabilitation Project  
CanUgan Disability Support is partnering with the Physiotherapy Program in the School of Rehabilitation Services at the University of Ottawa. The main goal of this partnership is to provide physiotherapy students with the opportunity to challenge their assumptions around inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility, by engaging persons with disabilities in Kasese Uganda.  
Current efforts are underway to establish a videoconferencing platform that will enable effective communication between physiotherapy students in Ottawa and persons with disabilities in Kasese.
The Board of CanUgan looks forward to collaborating with Part-time Professor Jennifer O'Neil and Physiotherapy students in this exciting new initiative.
Jacqueline Tumusiime's Trip to Kasese, December 2021
In December 2021, CanUgan Board of Director's Vice President, Jacqueline Tumusiime visited Kasese and met with our partners at The Kasese District Association of Persons With Disabilities (KADUPEDI). Maintaining a strong relationship with our colleagues in Kasese, is one of the most important aspects of the work we do with KADUPEDI, and we are so grateful that Jacqueline was able to support the relationship between CanUgan and KADUPEDI.

Jacqueline was able to visit the new KADUPEDI location and meet with Bwambale Robert and Baluku Peter. Robert and Peter reported that the new location provides better access for PWDs as there is now a ramp at the entrance of the building and they are outside of the busy city centre.

Jacqueline met some of the recipients of assistive devices provided by CanUgan, was shown some of the assistive devices which were donated to KADUPEDI and had the opportunity to discuss the challenges faced by persons with disabilities (PWDs). 

The KADUPEDI staff noticed an increase in PWDs resorting to begging on the streets due to hardships.
Staff are providing support as well as developing programs to train and provide PWDs with ways to find or create jobs. 

KADUPEDI staff are very grateful for the continued support from our CanUgan team.

Please see below for some photos from Jacqueline's visit. 
Holiday Season Giving Campaign 2021 Recap
On November 30, 2021, CanUgan launched it's second annual Holiday Giving Campaign! Thanks to 40 generous donors, we were able to surpass our campaign goal of $5,000 and raised $7,734. 

In 2021, we raised $17,977 thanks to 103 donations through our two online campaigns. 

In 2021, CanUgan provided a total of 78 Assistive Devices
Recipient Profile
Assistive devices have empowered PWDs to access health facilities, education, and areas of gainful employment. Pelucy (pictured above) received a white cane in 2021 and has been able to work in poultry keeping as a means of employment.

As noted by our partners at KADUPEDI in their year-end report, PWDs are willing and able to productively engage themselves in income generating activities when they have the support of assistive devices.
To support CanUgan throughout the month of June in the Great Canadian Giving Challenge, please visit:
Copyright © 2020 CanUgan Disability Support, All rights reserved.
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CanUgan Disability Support
61 Smirle Ave
Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2
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CanUgan Disability Support · 61 Smirle Ave · Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2 · Canada

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Thu, 26 May 2022 01:48:39 +0000 <![CDATA[Last chance to donate to CanUgan's Holiday Giving Campaign!]]> Last chance to donate to CanUgan's Holiday Giving Campaign!
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Last chance to donate to CanUgan's Holiday Giving Campaign!
As December comes to a close, so does CanUgan's second annual Holiday Giving Campaign, which was launched on #GivingTuesday almost one month ago. So far, we have raised over $5,054 – thank you to everyone who has donated generously this year!
Last year, our Holiday Giving Campaign raised $4,935 with the support of our amazing donors and members. This year, we have exceeded our $5,000 goal!
Please help us reach this milestone by making a donation to CanUgan today.
Donating to CanUgan means giving the gift of mobility to someone living with a disability.
In Uganda, the need is great with over 16% of Ugandans – or well over 5 million people – living with disabilities. Every dollar we receive is used to purchase, build, and maintain assistive devices, such as tricycles, crutches and canes, which allow Ugandans to rejoin their community, attend school, obtain meaningful work, and support their family.  And because we purchase and build devices locally in Uganda, CanUgan is also helping to sustain the local economy and supporting local artisans. Read Teddy’s story to see how.

Thank you, and happy holidays!
To "Donate Now" to the Holiday Giving Campaign please visit:
Copyright © 2020 CanUgan Disability Support, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
CanUgan Disability Support
61 Smirle Ave
Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2
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CanUgan Disability Support · 61 Smirle Ave · Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2 · Canada

Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp
Last chance to donate to CanUgan's Holiday Giving Campaign!
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Last chance to donate to CanUgan's Holiday Giving Campaign!
As December comes to a close, so does CanUgan's second annual Holiday Giving Campaign, which was launched on #GivingTuesday almost one month ago. So far, we have raised over $5,054 – thank you to everyone who has donated generously this year!
Last year, our Holiday Giving Campaign raised $4,935 with the support of our amazing donors and members. This year, we have exceeded our $5,000 goal!
Please help us reach this milestone by making a donation to CanUgan today.
Donating to CanUgan means giving the gift of mobility to someone living with a disability.
In Uganda, the need is great with over 16% of Ugandans – or well over 5 million people – living with disabilities. Every dollar we receive is used to purchase, build, and maintain assistive devices, such as tricycles, crutches and canes, which allow Ugandans to rejoin their community, attend school, obtain meaningful work, and support their family.  And because we purchase and build devices locally in Uganda, CanUgan is also helping to sustain the local economy and supporting local artisans. Read Teddy’s story to see how.

Thank you, and happy holidays!
To "Donate Now" to the Holiday Giving Campaign please visit:
Copyright © 2020 CanUgan Disability Support, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
CanUgan Disability Support
61 Smirle Ave
Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2
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CanUgan Disability Support · 61 Smirle Ave · Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2 · Canada

Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp
Tue, 28 Dec 2021 20:02:30 +0000
<![CDATA[CanUgan's second annual Holiday Giving Campaign is under way!]]> CanUgan's second annual Holiday Giving Campaign is under way!
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Holiday Giving Campaign Update
Launched on #GivingTuesday, CanUgan's second annual Holiday Giving Campaign is well under way! So far, we have raised over $4,630 – which is so close to our $5,000 goal.
Donating to CanUgan means giving the gift of mobility to someone living with a disability.
In Uganda, the need is great with over 16% of Ugandans – or well over 5 million people – living with disabilities. And like most people with disabilities will say: disability is not inability. Our goal is to empower Ugandans to rejoin their community, attend school, obtain meaningful work, and support their family by providing access to assistive devices.

Please help us to continue empowering persons with disabilities in Uganda
by making a donation to CanUgan today.
Every dollar we receive by donation is used to purchase, build, and maintain assistive devices, such as tricycles, crutches and canes, which are given to potential recipients through our local intermediary in Uganda, the Kasese District Union of Persons with Disabilities (KADUPEDI). Not only that, but because we purchase and build devices locally in Kasese, we are helping to sustain the local economy and supporting local artisans. Read Bwambale’s story to see how.

Thank you, and happy holidays to all!

To "Donate Now" to the Holiday Giving Campaign please visit:
Copyright © 2020 CanUgan Disability Support, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
CanUgan Disability Support
61 Smirle Ave
Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2
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CanUgan Disability Support · 61 Smirle Ave · Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2 · Canada

Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp
CanUgan's second annual Holiday Giving Campaign is under way!
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Holiday Giving Campaign Update
Launched on #GivingTuesday, CanUgan's second annual Holiday Giving Campaign is well under way! So far, we have raised over $4,630 – which is so close to our $5,000 goal.
Donating to CanUgan means giving the gift of mobility to someone living with a disability.
In Uganda, the need is great with over 16% of Ugandans – or well over 5 million people – living with disabilities. And like most people with disabilities will say: disability is not inability. Our goal is to empower Ugandans to rejoin their community, attend school, obtain meaningful work, and support their family by providing access to assistive devices.

Please help us to continue empowering persons with disabilities in Uganda
by making a donation to CanUgan today.
Every dollar we receive by donation is used to purchase, build, and maintain assistive devices, such as tricycles, crutches and canes, which are given to potential recipients through our local intermediary in Uganda, the Kasese District Union of Persons with Disabilities (KADUPEDI). Not only that, but because we purchase and build devices locally in Kasese, we are helping to sustain the local economy and supporting local artisans. Read Bwambale’s story to see how.

Thank you, and happy holidays to all!

To "Donate Now" to the Holiday Giving Campaign please visit:
Copyright © 2020 CanUgan Disability Support, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
CanUgan Disability Support
61 Smirle Ave
Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2
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CanUgan Disability Support · 61 Smirle Ave · Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2 · Canada

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Wed, 15 Dec 2021 00:22:05 +0000
<![CDATA[Give to CanUgan this #GivingTuesday!]]> Give to CanUgan this #GivingTuesday!
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Today is #GivingTuesday, an annual global generosity movement that represents the opening day of the giving season. This is a time when communities join together and rally for their favourite causes, and marks the start of CanUgan's second annual Holiday Giving Campaign!
Last year, we raised $4,935 with the support of our amazing donors and members, and this year our goal is to surpass last year's total and raise over $5,000.
While over 16% of Ugandans – or well over 5 million people – live with disabilities, they are not without abilities. Through access to assistive devices, many Ugandans with disabilities are given the tools needed to pursue vocational training and income generating activities. Every dollar we receive by donation is used to purchase, build, and maintain assistive devices, such as tricycles, crutches and canes, which are given to potential recipients through our local intermediary in Uganda, the Kasese District Union of Persons with Disabilities (KADUPEDI). Not only that, but because we purchase and build devices locally in Kasese, we are helping to sustain the local economy and supporting local artisans.
Your donation means a gift of mobility to someone living with a disability. This ensures they have the means to rejoin their community, attend school, obtain meaningful work, and support their family.

Please join us in participating in #GivingTuesday by making a donation to CanUgan today. You can also contribute to CanUgan’s Holiday Giving Campaign, which runs through December.

To "Donate Now" on Giving Tuesday (November 30th) please visit:
Copyright © 2020 CanUgan Disability Support, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
CanUgan Disability Support
61 Smirle Ave
Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2
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CanUgan Disability Support · 61 Smirle Ave · Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2 · Canada

Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp
Give to CanUgan this #GivingTuesday!
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Today is #GivingTuesday, an annual global generosity movement that represents the opening day of the giving season. This is a time when communities join together and rally for their favourite causes, and marks the start of CanUgan's second annual Holiday Giving Campaign!
Last year, we raised $4,935 with the support of our amazing donors and members, and this year our goal is to surpass last year's total and raise over $5,000.
While over 16% of Ugandans – or well over 5 million people – live with disabilities, they are not without abilities. Through access to assistive devices, many Ugandans with disabilities are given the tools needed to pursue vocational training and income generating activities. Every dollar we receive by donation is used to purchase, build, and maintain assistive devices, such as tricycles, crutches and canes, which are given to potential recipients through our local intermediary in Uganda, the Kasese District Union of Persons with Disabilities (KADUPEDI). Not only that, but because we purchase and build devices locally in Kasese, we are helping to sustain the local economy and supporting local artisans.
Your donation means a gift of mobility to someone living with a disability. This ensures they have the means to rejoin their community, attend school, obtain meaningful work, and support their family.

Please join us in participating in #GivingTuesday by making a donation to CanUgan today. You can also contribute to CanUgan’s Holiday Giving Campaign, which runs through December.

To "Donate Now" on Giving Tuesday (November 30th) please visit:
Copyright © 2020 CanUgan Disability Support, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
CanUgan Disability Support
61 Smirle Ave
Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2
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CanUgan Disability Support · 61 Smirle Ave · Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2 · Canada

Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp
Tue, 30 Nov 2021 22:20:43 +0000
<![CDATA[2021 Fall Newsletter]]> 2021 Fall Newsletter
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In this issue

- Great Canadian Giving Challenge 2021
- University of Ottawa Rehabilitation Project
- Holiday Season Giving Campaign 2021
- COVID-19 Support for PWDs in Uganda
- A Special Donation

- Recipient Profile

- CanUgan's 2021 AGM
The Great Canadian Giving Challenge 2021

In June of this year, CanUgan had its most successful online campaign to date.
63 donors contributed $10,243.
To all of our donors, we thank you very much!
Your ongoing support means so much to persons with disabilities in Kasese, Uganda.
University of Ottawa School of Rehabilitation Project

CanUgan is in the early stages of collaborating with the School of Rehabilitation at the University of Ottawa, on an exciting new initiative to provide physiotherapy students with the opportunity to assess persons with disabilities in Kasese, Uganda. The goal is to broaden student awareness of global and intercultural perspectives in providing rehabilitation services. CanUgan team members on the ground in Kasese, will be helping to establish a local communications hub to enable an effective virtual connection. The hope is that this collaboration will lead to future research projects that both physiotherapy students in Ottawa and persons with disabilities in Uganda benefit from. Stay tuned!
November 30 is GivingTuesday and marks the start of CanUgan's second annual Holiday Giving Campaign!  

A global generosity movement, GivingTuesday takes place each year as the “opening day of the giving season". It is a time when charities, companies and individuals join together and rally for their favourite causes. For CanUgan, it also kicks off our Holiday Giving Campaign, which runs through December.
Last year, we raised $4,935 with the support of our amazing donors and members. This year, our goal is to surpass last year's total and raise over $5,000.
Please join us in participating in GivingTuesday by making a donation to CanUgan on Tuesday, November 30, 2021.
Look out for our social media posts and emails promoting #GivingTuesday and our 2021 Holiday Giving Campaign!

Voices Drumming Support for Persons with Disabilities in the wake of COVID‑19 Pandemic
By Moses Olong 
It has been almost 2 years since the Coronavirus (COVID-19) began to have impact on the people of Uganda. The vulnerable populations, persons with disabilities (PWDs) in particular, have been hit hardest. After much anticipation and waiting on October 7, 2021, Uganda finally received their first batch of 196,800 doses of Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 vaccines bought by the government.
As the government aims to vaccinate 9 million people, many people are queueing up to receive their first dose. With such scarcity of vaccines, many PWDs are left to advocate for themselves. Luckily, there are numerous voices that are drumming support for these PWDs.
The Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Health, Dr. Diana Atwine, came out to direct the Ministry to prioritize vulnerable population groups when administering the single‑dose shots. After identifying unfairness in the distribution of the vaccines, the National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda (NUDIPU) has swiftly come out to lend a voice for the over fifty thousand PWDs it represents in the country. NUDIPU has requested that the government recognize all PWDs in the country among the priority groups of vulnerable persons that must be considered first in the ongoing COVID‑19 vaccination exercise. Additionally, District Representatives have added their voices on behalf of PWDs in Uganda. One such representative is Ms. Deborah Nakayenga, who represents the district of Wakiso. While speaking to some journalists on August 12, 2021, Ms. Deborah appreciates that PWDs need special care in their daily lives and that such care needs to be demonstrated in the ongoing vaccination exercises to minimize perpetual hardships and sufferings. Similar efforts are being made by the coordinator of the Kasese District Union of People with Disabilities (KADUPEDI), Mr. Peter Baluku, who in a concerted effort is actively advocating for PWDs to help them receive services with fairness.

A Special Donation
A thank you is in order to CanUgan founder Navin Parekh, who made a special one-time donation in October to CanUgan, to support a 19 year-old girl in receiving treatment services for a serious mental health issue. Tragically, in rural and isolated areas persons with disabilities are so often forgotten and have very limited access to health services. We are reminded that mental illness also merits support from CanUgan.
Kule Festus - A CanUgan Recipient
Kule Festus is a resident of Kyondo Cell in Kasese Municipality. At the age of 13, after he suffered a spinal cord injury, Festus was registered with Kasese District Union of Persons with Disabilities (KADUPEDI) to receive a mobility device. CanUgan was able to provide him with a tricycle. With his mobility device, Festus is now able to provide for his family, working as a cobbler. Festus has recently received support from one of CanUgan’s members, Mr. Gordon Walker, to construct an accessible unit for Festus with construction currently underway.
To see a heartfelt thank you from Festus, please follow the link: 
Thank You from Kule Festus
CanUgan's 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

CanUgan will host our AGM on Tuesday, February 1st, 2020 from 6:30-8 pm. This year's AGM will provide us the opportunity to share our Strategic Plan with the Board and solicit member feedback. 

Details and agenda to follow.

Location to be determined (the AGM will either be held in person or via Zoom).
To "Donate Now" on Giving Tuesday (November 30th) please visit:
Copyright © 2020 CanUgan Disability Support, All rights reserved.
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CanUgan Disability Support
61 Smirle Ave
Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2
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CanUgan Disability Support · 61 Smirle Ave · Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2 · Canada

Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp
2021 Fall Newsletter
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In this issue

- Great Canadian Giving Challenge 2021
- University of Ottawa Rehabilitation Project
- Holiday Season Giving Campaign 2021
- COVID-19 Support for PWDs in Uganda
- A Special Donation

- Recipient Profile

- CanUgan's 2021 AGM
The Great Canadian Giving Challenge 2021

In June of this year, CanUgan had its most successful online campaign to date.
63 donors contributed $10,243.
To all of our donors, we thank you very much!
Your ongoing support means so much to persons with disabilities in Kasese, Uganda.
University of Ottawa School of Rehabilitation Project

CanUgan is in the early stages of collaborating with the School of Rehabilitation at the University of Ottawa, on an exciting new initiative to provide physiotherapy students with the opportunity to assess persons with disabilities in Kasese, Uganda. The goal is to broaden student awareness of global and intercultural perspectives in providing rehabilitation services. CanUgan team members on the ground in Kasese, will be helping to establish a local communications hub to enable an effective virtual connection. The hope is that this collaboration will lead to future research projects that both physiotherapy students in Ottawa and persons with disabilities in Uganda benefit from. Stay tuned!
November 30 is GivingTuesday and marks the start of CanUgan's second annual Holiday Giving Campaign!  

A global generosity movement, GivingTuesday takes place each year as the “opening day of the giving season". It is a time when charities, companies and individuals join together and rally for their favourite causes. For CanUgan, it also kicks off our Holiday Giving Campaign, which runs through December.
Last year, we raised $4,935 with the support of our amazing donors and members. This year, our goal is to surpass last year's total and raise over $5,000.
Please join us in participating in GivingTuesday by making a donation to CanUgan on Tuesday, November 30, 2021.
Look out for our social media posts and emails promoting #GivingTuesday and our 2021 Holiday Giving Campaign!

Voices Drumming Support for Persons with Disabilities in the wake of COVID‑19 Pandemic
By Moses Olong 
It has been almost 2 years since the Coronavirus (COVID-19) began to have impact on the people of Uganda. The vulnerable populations, persons with disabilities (PWDs) in particular, have been hit hardest. After much anticipation and waiting on October 7, 2021, Uganda finally received their first batch of 196,800 doses of Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 vaccines bought by the government.
As the government aims to vaccinate 9 million people, many people are queueing up to receive their first dose. With such scarcity of vaccines, many PWDs are left to advocate for themselves. Luckily, there are numerous voices that are drumming support for these PWDs.
The Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Health, Dr. Diana Atwine, came out to direct the Ministry to prioritize vulnerable population groups when administering the single‑dose shots. After identifying unfairness in the distribution of the vaccines, the National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda (NUDIPU) has swiftly come out to lend a voice for the over fifty thousand PWDs it represents in the country. NUDIPU has requested that the government recognize all PWDs in the country among the priority groups of vulnerable persons that must be considered first in the ongoing COVID‑19 vaccination exercise. Additionally, District Representatives have added their voices on behalf of PWDs in Uganda. One such representative is Ms. Deborah Nakayenga, who represents the district of Wakiso. While speaking to some journalists on August 12, 2021, Ms. Deborah appreciates that PWDs need special care in their daily lives and that such care needs to be demonstrated in the ongoing vaccination exercises to minimize perpetual hardships and sufferings. Similar efforts are being made by the coordinator of the Kasese District Union of People with Disabilities (KADUPEDI), Mr. Peter Baluku, who in a concerted effort is actively advocating for PWDs to help them receive services with fairness.

A Special Donation
A thank you is in order to CanUgan founder Navin Parekh, who made a special one-time donation in October to CanUgan, to support a 19 year-old girl in receiving treatment services for a serious mental health issue. Tragically, in rural and isolated areas persons with disabilities are so often forgotten and have very limited access to health services. We are reminded that mental illness also merits support from CanUgan.
Kule Festus - A CanUgan Recipient
Kule Festus is a resident of Kyondo Cell in Kasese Municipality. At the age of 13, after he suffered a spinal cord injury, Festus was registered with Kasese District Union of Persons with Disabilities (KADUPEDI) to receive a mobility device. CanUgan was able to provide him with a tricycle. With his mobility device, Festus is now able to provide for his family, working as a cobbler. Festus has recently received support from one of CanUgan’s members, Mr. Gordon Walker, to construct an accessible unit for Festus with construction currently underway.
To see a heartfelt thank you from Festus, please follow the link: 
Thank You from Kule Festus
CanUgan's 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

CanUgan will host our AGM on Tuesday, February 1st, 2020 from 6:30-8 pm. This year's AGM will provide us the opportunity to share our Strategic Plan with the Board and solicit member feedback. 

Details and agenda to follow.

Location to be determined (the AGM will either be held in person or via Zoom).
To "Donate Now" on Giving Tuesday (November 30th) please visit:
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CanUgan Disability Support · 61 Smirle Ave · Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2 · Canada

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Tue, 16 Nov 2021 01:52:08 +0000
<![CDATA[2021 Spring Newsletter]]> 2021 Spring Newsletter
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In this issue
- A Message from CanUgan's Chair
- Great Canadian Giving Challenge 2021
- Resignation of Bwambale Robert
- Distribution of Assistive Devices
- Holiday Season Giving Campaign Update

- CanUgan Recipient Profile

Next month CanUgan will participate in the Great Canadian Giving Challenge. Our goal is to raise $10,000 to support our efforts in providing assistive devices for persons with disabilities (PWDs) in rural west Uganda. Your support means so much to us.

So here’s what we’ve been up to:

  • We have revamped our website making almost all of our fundraising virtual
  • We are active on social media
  • We are sending spring and fall newsletters to keep our members and donors informed 
  • We had a successful Holiday Season Giving Campaign in December 2020

This past year has been challenging for us all. The pandemic however has highlighted the profound inequality PWDs face. In Kasese Uganda, food insecurity and job loss are on the rise. Disabled women are at greater risk of sexual violence. The fear of COVID-19 is everywhere. PWDs are more isolated than ever and need our help.

CanUgan has been described as a small but mighty organization. Each assistive device, be it a set of crutches, a raised shoe, a white cane or a wheelchair goes a long way to helping PWDs participate in their communities. This gift of mobility is so critical.

Thank you for your support in the past and we look forward to your continued financial support in June’s campaign. Please reach out to your networks to promote the campaign. We are all a part of a global family.

For more information, check us out at


Jack McCarthy
Chair, CanUgan Disability Support

Held every year, the Great Canadian Giving Challenge provides Canadians with an opportunity to donate to worthy causes while increasing the organization's chances of receiving a bonus. Like last year, this year’s generous bonus has doubled to $20,000!

This year continues to be a difficult time for people around the world. COVID-19 continues to mean that many people are in tight spots, and the need for social supports continues to be high, although we now have vaccines rolling out and providing us hope. As ever, we are grateful for any support you can give, whether it is a donation or just 'liking' our post!

Last year, we were so grateful to reach $6,500 thanks to your generosity. Our goal this year is to raise $10,000 – and as ever, we are hoping to win that Great Canadian Giving Challenge Bonus!
Watch our TwitterInstagram, and Facebook accounts for regular updates and stories throughout the month of June. Please share with your friends and family - $10,000 raised could provide a huge proportion of our annual funding, and contribute hundreds of mobility aids to our partners in Uganda. And follow along with the hashtags #CanUgan and #GivingChallengeCA.

To donate, visit us here:

Bwambale Robert
Early this year we were informed that Bwambale Robert has resigned from our team in Kasese Uganda. He leaves big shoes to fill!
Robert is a warm and friendly man with a big heart and boundless energy. Robert took the lead role in visiting many of the rural villages in Kasese district, reaching out to people with disabilities, assessing their particular health needs and making sure that the right assistive device got purchased and delivered to the beneficiary. He also took care of many administrative details such as managing funds and providing documentation to support all requests for funding.  
We wish our good friend Robert all the best and thank him for his tireless commitment to serving disabled people.
He will always be a special friend to all of us at CanUgan.
Distribution of Assistive Devices 
Thanks to your generous donations, CanUgan has been able to provide a 625 different assistive devices to PWDs in Kasese Uganda since 2016, including 117 tricycles and 9 wheelchairs. 

In the first quarter of 2021, we have been able to distribute 2 tricycles, 1 wheelchair, 5 white canes, 2 calipers, 2 raised shoes, 7 pairs of crutches and 2 surgical boots.

These locally sourced assistive devices provide recipients with mobility and independence. 

Every donations helps to provide one of the following devices: 
  • White cane: $35.00
  • Pair of crutches: $70.00
  • Calipers (leg braces): $115.00
  • Raised shoe: $130.00
  • Surgical boot: $135.00
  • Wheelchair repurposed: $185.00
  • Tricycle: $250.00
  • Wheelchair new: $325.00
Holiday Season Giving Campaign
Throughout the month of December 2020, CanUgan launched our first Holiday Season Giving Campaign. The inaugural campaign called on donors to give the gift of mobility and truly demonstrated the holiday spirit of giving as we raised $5000.

Thank you for each and every donation which allowed us to distribute those first quarter devices for 2021.
2021 First Quarter Recipient - Natukunda Allen
Natukunda was supported with a caliper after an operation to correct her club foot in the Kampala Cursor Hospital. Natukunda has expressed her gratitude and excitement to colleagues and friends for her new found mobility. 
We have updated our website! 
To check out our new look or to "Donate Now" visit:
Copyright © 2020 CanUgan Disability Support, All rights reserved.
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CanUgan Disability Support
61 Smirle Ave
Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2
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CanUgan Disability Support · 61 Smirle Ave · Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2 · Canada

Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp
2021 Spring Newsletter
View this email in your browser
In this issue
- A Message from CanUgan's Chair
- Great Canadian Giving Challenge 2021
- Resignation of Bwambale Robert
- Distribution of Assistive Devices
- Holiday Season Giving Campaign Update

- CanUgan Recipient Profile

Next month CanUgan will participate in the Great Canadian Giving Challenge. Our goal is to raise $10,000 to support our efforts in providing assistive devices for persons with disabilities (PWDs) in rural west Uganda. Your support means so much to us.

So here’s what we’ve been up to:

  • We have revamped our website making almost all of our fundraising virtual
  • We are active on social media
  • We are sending spring and fall newsletters to keep our members and donors informed 
  • We had a successful Holiday Season Giving Campaign in December 2020

This past year has been challenging for us all. The pandemic however has highlighted the profound inequality PWDs face. In Kasese Uganda, food insecurity and job loss are on the rise. Disabled women are at greater risk of sexual violence. The fear of COVID-19 is everywhere. PWDs are more isolated than ever and need our help.

CanUgan has been described as a small but mighty organization. Each assistive device, be it a set of crutches, a raised shoe, a white cane or a wheelchair goes a long way to helping PWDs participate in their communities. This gift of mobility is so critical.

Thank you for your support in the past and we look forward to your continued financial support in June’s campaign. Please reach out to your networks to promote the campaign. We are all a part of a global family.

For more information, check us out at


Jack McCarthy
Chair, CanUgan Disability Support

Held every year, the Great Canadian Giving Challenge provides Canadians with an opportunity to donate to worthy causes while increasing the organization's chances of receiving a bonus. Like last year, this year’s generous bonus has doubled to $20,000!

This year continues to be a difficult time for people around the world. COVID-19 continues to mean that many people are in tight spots, and the need for social supports continues to be high, although we now have vaccines rolling out and providing us hope. As ever, we are grateful for any support you can give, whether it is a donation or just 'liking' our post!

Last year, we were so grateful to reach $6,500 thanks to your generosity. Our goal this year is to raise $10,000 – and as ever, we are hoping to win that Great Canadian Giving Challenge Bonus!
Watch our TwitterInstagram, and Facebook accounts for regular updates and stories throughout the month of June. Please share with your friends and family - $10,000 raised could provide a huge proportion of our annual funding, and contribute hundreds of mobility aids to our partners in Uganda. And follow along with the hashtags #CanUgan and #GivingChallengeCA.

To donate, visit us here:

Bwambale Robert
Early this year we were informed that Bwambale Robert has resigned from our team in Kasese Uganda. He leaves big shoes to fill!
Robert is a warm and friendly man with a big heart and boundless energy. Robert took the lead role in visiting many of the rural villages in Kasese district, reaching out to people with disabilities, assessing their particular health needs and making sure that the right assistive device got purchased and delivered to the beneficiary. He also took care of many administrative details such as managing funds and providing documentation to support all requests for funding.  
We wish our good friend Robert all the best and thank him for his tireless commitment to serving disabled people.
He will always be a special friend to all of us at CanUgan.
Distribution of Assistive Devices 
Thanks to your generous donations, CanUgan has been able to provide a 625 different assistive devices to PWDs in Kasese Uganda since 2016, including 117 tricycles and 9 wheelchairs. 

In the first quarter of 2021, we have been able to distribute 2 tricycles, 1 wheelchair, 5 white canes, 2 calipers, 2 raised shoes, 7 pairs of crutches and 2 surgical boots.

These locally sourced assistive devices provide recipients with mobility and independence. 

Every donations helps to provide one of the following devices: 
  • White cane: $35.00
  • Pair of crutches: $70.00
  • Calipers (leg braces): $115.00
  • Raised shoe: $130.00
  • Surgical boot: $135.00
  • Wheelchair repurposed: $185.00
  • Tricycle: $250.00
  • Wheelchair new: $325.00
Holiday Season Giving Campaign
Throughout the month of December 2020, CanUgan launched our first Holiday Season Giving Campaign. The inaugural campaign called on donors to give the gift of mobility and truly demonstrated the holiday spirit of giving as we raised $5000.

Thank you for each and every donation which allowed us to distribute those first quarter devices for 2021.
2021 First Quarter Recipient - Natukunda Allen
Natukunda was supported with a caliper after an operation to correct her club foot in the Kampala Cursor Hospital. Natukunda has expressed her gratitude and excitement to colleagues and friends for her new found mobility. 
We have updated our website! 
To check out our new look or to "Donate Now" visit:
Copyright © 2020 CanUgan Disability Support, All rights reserved.
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CanUgan Disability Support
61 Smirle Ave
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CanUgan Disability Support · 61 Smirle Ave · Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2 · Canada

Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp
Sat, 29 May 2021 20:16:22 +0000
<![CDATA[CanUgan's Holiday Season Giving Campaign]]> CanUgan's Holiday Season Giving Campaign
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Holiday Season Giving Campaign

Donate and Transform Lives at

Dear Sponsors and Friends,

2020 has impacted all of us, especially persons with disabilities. This holiday season you can #GiveALittle to make a big impact for persons with disabilities in Kasese, Uganda.

For those of us who are fortunate enough to be able to #GiveALittle this year, we can #GiveMobility to those who need it most. Not only will your donation #GiveMobility but it can also provide recipients the ability to move autonomously, boost self-confidence and independently earn a living for themselves.
Whether you donate on your behalf, or as a gift to someone else, include the gift of mobility on your shopping list this holiday season. All donors will receive a special e-card confirming your holiday gift when you donate any of these items:

White cane: $35.00
Pair of crutches: $70.00
Calipers (leg braces): $115.00
Raised shoe: $130.00
Surgical boot: $135.00
Wheelchair repurposed: $185.00
Tricycle: $250.00
Wheelchair (new): $325.00

Assistive devices are not simply shipped from Canada to Uganda rather they are locally sourced which builds community capacity in Kasese.

So, will you #GiveALittle this year?

This Holiday Season
#GiveALittle #GiveMobility

To "Donate Now" visit:
Copyright © 2020 CanUgan Disability Support, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
CanUgan Disability Support
61 Smirle Ave
Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2
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CanUgan Disability Support · 61 Smirle Ave · Ottawa, On K1Y 0S2 · Canada

Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp
CanUgan's Holiday Season Giving Campaign