As a result of the partnership in the Project Echo project with the University of Ottawa Physiotherapy department, a site visit to Kasese Uganda was undertaken by CanUgan board member Rick Morello and University of Ottawa professor Jennifer O’Neil.

The focus of the visit was seeking input from disabled communities in Kasese district related to rehabilitation needs and services as well as the need for assistive devices as provided by CanUgan. The Kasese and District Union of Persons with Disabilities (KADUPEDI), and specifically Baluku Peter and Bwambale Robert, organized 6 community events for our visit with a total attendance of over 375 participants and over 130 lived experience representations. We were grateful for the support provided by Peter, Robert and Janet, who moderated and provided translation for the many voices of persons living with a disability (PWD) that participated in these events.

June 06 - Karusandera Community meeting

Trip Recommendations

    1. Objective 1: Rehabilitation

    The goal was to establish rehabilitation priorities that are coherent, collaborative and aligned with the needs of people living with disabilities in Uganda.

    Recommended actions for improved rehabilitation services include:

    June 07 - Maliba Town Community meeting

    2. Objective 2 : Improve delivery and impact of Assistive Devices

    The goals included: Sustain and strengthen CanUgan’s relationship with KADUPEDI and the Intermediary team who identify recipients for assistive devices; develop an understanding of the new and existing problems in the field with a goal of identifying new approaches / ideas to evolve the mission.

    Recommended actions for this objective include:

    June 07 - Jennifer O’Neil providing rehabilitation suggestions to child with crutches
    June 09 - Kasese – Kadupedi Meeting of Beneficiaries
    June 09 – Wheelchair beneficiary evaluated for improved fit

    The end of 2024 was marked by a successful online fundraising campaign. Thanks to 44 donors, $9,810 was raised to support the purchase of assistive devices for persons with disabilities in the Kasese district in western Uganda. We want to thank all of our donors for their generosity in giving the gift of mobility.

    This past June, thanks to 37 generous donors, we raised $7,139 in our online fundraising campaign, in support of purchasing assistive devices (wheelchairs, crutches, calipers, white canes, etc.) for persons with disabilities in Kasese, Uganda. Thank you, donors, for the gift of mobility.

    Our last Annual General Meeting was on January 31, 2023. In 2023, the board met via Zoom on 5 occasions including the AGM. 

    Board of Directors

    In 2023, the 9-person Board has been very active. I want to thank all board members for their tireless efforts as volunteers in support of CanUgan.

    Amanda Cox
    Caroline Marshall
    Rick Morello
    Shauna Devlin
    Tess Fremont Cote
    Tim McCarthy
    Erina Buliibwa
    Sarah Muhwezi
    Jack McCarthy

    Board member Sarah Muhwezi joined the board in March 2023.

    Erina Buliibwa has resigned from the board in March 2024.


    Our partnership with the Kasese District Union of Persons with Disabilities (KADUPEDI) remains strong thanks in large measure to our close working relationship with Baluku Peter. Peter is also the Deputy Mayor in Kasese. All documentation to support the transfer of funds on a quarterly basis for assistive devices remains thorough and comprehensive. Our next site visit to Kasese will occur in June 2024 and will be undertaken by board member Rick Morello. 

    Great Canadian Giving Challenge, June 2023

    Thanks to 59 generous donors, we raised $10,041 in our online fundraising campaign, in support of purchasing assistive devices (wheelchairs, crutches, calipers, white canes, etc.) for persons with disabilities in Kasese District. This is a small decrease from last year’s campaign when 66 generous donors in 2022 donated $12,960. Special thanks are in order to CanUgan board members who reached out to their networks to support the campaign and the many donors who are now making regular annual contributions to CanUgan.

    Holiday Giving Campaign, November and December 2023

    2023 ended on a high note for CanUgan. We concluded our online Holiday Giving Campaign, and thanks to 38 donors, we raised $8,140. This is an increase on last year’s campaign in 2022 when 44 donors donated $7,045 for our Holiday Giving Campaign. Our social media campaign and our outreach to past donors via our newsletters have helped with fundraising, thanks to the lead of board members Shauna Devlin and Caroline Marshall.

    Overall annual fundraising totals from our two online campaigns: 

    In 2023, $18,181 was raised. In 2022, $20,005 was raised. In 2021, $18,977 was raised.

    Tele-Rehabilitation; Project Echo

    Collaboration on Project Echo continues with our key partners Jennifer O’Neil from the University of Ottawa School of Rehabilitation and the Kasese and District Union of Persons with Disabilities (KADUPEDI).  With assistance from a grant from the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) secured by the University of Ottawa, the objectives of the research project are to:

    CanUgan Treasurer Rick Morello will be travelling to Kasese in June 2024 with Jennifer O’Neil to meet with representatives of KADUPEDI to start the community engagement process, which is a key part of the environmental scan.



    1Tricycles 1115
    2Tricycles Gear System00
    5White Canes2120
    6Raised Shoes1212
    7Surgical Boots1215

    Strategic Plan

    In the fall of 2022, the Board reviewed the strategic plan put in place in 2021. Future Directions include:

    Highlighted bullets indicate action taken.

    CanUgan Board Chair Jack McCarthy was pleased to meet Kasese Uganda resident Farouq Kibaba who is the Executive Director of the Great Lakes Peace Centre:

    Farouq was in Ottawa to attend the United Nations Environmental Assembly whose purpose is to develop a legally binding agreement on plastic pollution.

    2023 ended on a high note for CanUgan. We concluded our online Holiday Giving Campaign, and thanks to 38 donors, we raised $8,140. We want to thank all of our donors for their generosity in giving the gift of mobility, by providing funding for assistive devices for persons with disabilities in the Kasese District in Uganda.

    Fall 2023 Newsletter
    View this email in your browser
    In this issue

    - Giving Tuesday 2023
    - CanUgan's Holiday Giving Campaign 2023
    - 2023 Third Quarter Distributed Devices
    - Great Canadian Giving Challenge Recap
    - International Day of Persons w/Disabilities
    - Recipient Profile - 
    Nguomoja Kambale
    Giving Tuesday 2023 (#GivingTuesdayCA)
    November 28, 2023 is GivingTuesday, which is also known as the annual day of global generosity! GivingTuesday is described by CanadaHelps as being about creating positive change in our communities and across the world through giving back. Every gesture of goodwill is valid and important. Even a simple act of kindness can have a massive impact by lifting someone's spirits, providing comfort, and effecting change beyond what we can see. 

    For CanUgan, it also kicks off our fourth Holiday Giving Campaign, which will run through to the end of December, with our goal being to raise $7,000.
    CanUgan's Holiday Giving Campaign 2023

    Starting on Giving Tuesday, November 28th, CanUgan will be sharing profiles of recipients and highlighting how your donation can make a difference this Holiday Season on its social media accounts. Follow along as we share stories about CanUgan's work throughout the year. Don't forget to share with your friends and family! 

    Watch our TwitterInstagram, and Facebook accounts for regular updates and stories throughout the month of December. Please share with your friends and family!

    To donate, please visit:
    2023 Third Quarter Distributed Devices   
    1 Tri-cycles 3
    2 Wheelchair 1
    3 White Canes 5
    4 Crutches 7
    5 Calipers 2
    6 Surgical boot 4
    7 Raised shoe 3
      Total Items distributed 25
    In addition to the 25 distributed devices, the KADUPEDI team repaired and bought spokes for a tricycle which allows the recipient, Charles Ndobya, to commute to their job at the Bwera Hospital. Prior to the repair of their tricycle, Charles had issues commuting to work as their commute to the hospital is approximately 3 kilometers from their home.
    Great Canadian Giving Challenge Recap
    As in many years past, in June 2023, CanUgan participated in the Great Canadian Giving Challenge! Thanks to over 59 generous donors, we were able to raised $10,041. 

    We are so grateful for your support! 
    International Day of Persons with Disabilities - December 3, 2023
    International Day for Persons with Disabilities is Sunday, December 3, 2023. 

    International Day of Persons with Disabilities was proclaimed in 1992 with the aim to promote the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities in all spheres of society and development, and to increase awareness of the situation of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life. 

    The current world population is over 8 billion people with more than one billion people (approximately 15%) living with some form of disability; 80% of which live in developing countries.

    Look out for our TwitterInstagram, and Facebook accounts, as we observe International Day of Persons with Disabilities on Sunday, December 3, 2023.
    Recipient Profile - Nguomoja Kambale
    Nguomoja Kambale (pictured above at KADUPEDI) aspires to start their own goat meat business because now Nguomoja is able to walk to and from the market to buy goats, thanks to the crutches they received.

    Each donation during our Holiday Giving Campaign will help to provide recipients like Nguomoja the mobility to start a business, earn a living for themselves or attend school.
    To support CanUgan throughout the month of December, please visit:
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    This past June, thanks to 59 generous donors, we raised $10,041 in our online fundraising campaign, in support of purchasing assistive devices (wheelchairs, crutches, calipers, white canes, etc.) for persons with disabilities in Kasese, Uganda. Thank you, donors, for the gift of mobility.

    Micheal Ndizkwani is the beneficiary in the following video. He shows that with a bit of help, he can be mobile. This tricycle was initially proto-typed by students in industrial design at Carleton University. This assistive device can enhance mobility on rough terrain. 

    Watch the video here.

    Kasese District community health worker Bwambale Robert is to be commended for organizing a study tour in March 2023 with 30 farmers focusing on the impact of climate change. He has put together a report on how agricultural and tree planting changes are so necessary to protect the local environment. At CanUgan, we are so aware that people with disabilities are most vulnerable during weather related disasters like mud slides. Building a healthy community is very much about protecting the environment.